
Media owner and responsible for content:

company name:
HM Haumann Robotersysteme GmbH
Parkstraße 9/20 A-2362 Biedermannsdorf
T +43 676 750 28 04

Bank details:
IBAN: AT88 3225 0000 0050 6014

company book number: FN 254 765f
VAT nr. austria: ATU 61235988
VAT nr. germany: DE 264154763
ARA Nr.: 16571
company register court: LG Wr. Neustadt
GISA-nr: 13605827
EORI-Nr: ATEOS1000015587
Authority according to ECG (e-commerce law): Bezirkshauptmannschaft Mödling

Purpose of the company:
Trade in new and used robot systems, special welding machines, welding machines including spare and wear parts

Business licenses upright: trading
Since 05.11.2004 for the location 2362 Biedermannsdorf, Parkstrasse 9/20 (may differ from the date of foundation)
Member of Wirtschaftkammer NÖ, FG Handel

Ing. Martin Haumann

Purchase and sales of used welding robot systems.

Person responsible for content of this webside: Ing. Martin Haumann