Offer no.: 1015
IGM - 22D011R, 22D276R, 22D279R
Year of Prod. |
2000 |
Condition |
Good |
Quantity |
1 |
Location: AT
Servoverstärker 180W für RT280 Achse 4, 5, 6
Steuerung K 2, K3 im Reptausch mit 6 Monaten Gewährleistung
All offers
The ceconomic alternative: composed of new and used components.
Usually, a new robot arm with a new control system is supplemented with revised manipulators or road systems.
Your advantage: Technical state of the art with low investment costs.
GET FURTHER INFORMATION: +43 676 750 28 04
HM Haumann Robotersysteme GmbH
Parkstrasse 9/20
2362 Biedermannsdorf, Austria
UID Nr. ATU 61235988
Tel.: +43 676 750 28 04
Email.: office@gebrauchtroboter.at